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Scottish CND is a membership organisation, with an Executive Committee and a small staff team.

All members of at least 3 months’ standing have the right to vote at our Annual General Meeting, to appoint our Executive Committee and set our campaign’s direction for the year ahead. If you’re not already a member, join us today for only £2 a month and become part of a worldwide movement to end nuclear weapons.

Executive Committee

Lynn Jamieson, Researcher and Chair of Scottish CND


Lynn Jamieson

Co Vice-chair

Isobel Lindsay

Co Vice-chair


David Kelly


David Kelly



Asst. Secretary


Bill Ramsay

Committee Member

Bill Ramsay

Committee Member

Clare Phillips

Committee Member

Douglas Haywood

Ken Benjamin

Committee Member

Ken Benjamin

A picture of a woman called Lesley wearing a black jumper and glasses.

Committee Member

Lesley Taylor

Committee Member

Maragaret Ferguson Burns

Committee Member

Ronnie Cowan

Brian Quail

Committee Member (honorary)

Brian Quail


Administration Manager

Cristina Tofan

Digital Communications Manager

Kat Knak-Watt


Social Media Assistant


Adminstration desk

Administration Assistant


Want to work with us? Get in touch by filling out this short form:

A group of people stand in a room wearing peace t-shirts and holding a blue banner that says "Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament"