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The Proclaimers Say That Nuclear Weapons are a “Red Line Issue”

Scottish music duo “The Proclaimers” share a message in support of the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. 

The Proclaimers hold up a sign in support of nuclear disarmament

“The Scottish parliament and government oppose the UK’s nuclear weapons in Scotland and Craig and Charlie agree that Scotland needs MPs who are unambiguous about nuclear weapons elimination. MPs who will take the message to Westminster that getting rid of nuclear weapons is the only rational response to the risk they pose.

Since no-one has come up with an alternative site for the UK base outside Scotland, we want an independent Scotland that can join the Treaty On the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and have the full backing of the UN and most of its members in getting them removed.

This is a red line issue for progressing nuclear disarmament. In Scotland at least, we have the choice of voting for a candidate who will sign the international Pledge for the Treaty. We won’t vote for those who don’t”.

Text reads: Nuclear Weapons Are My Red Line as a header, with subtext “On 4th July I will only vote for a candidate that supports the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Parliamentarians’ Pledge.”