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Peace Poetry Fundraiser Raises Over £350 for Scottish CND

Even Tam O’Shanter would have stayed at home. That’s how stormy it was. 

And yet a group of poets gathered, dodging ferry cancellations and wayfaring across the country.

What for, you might ask? Well, for the first time, the Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament hosted a Burns Night. This heartening evening pulled together peace and poetry to raise funds for and promote nuclear disarmament. 

The event was hosted by award-winning-down-to-earth poet Gerry Loose, who guided attendees through a poetic pilgrimage of peace. Other poets included Chrys Salt, Finola Scott, Hugh McMillan, and Stuart Paterson. With them, we walked along the shores of Loch Long, visited a girl in a hayfield longing for the return of her soldier brother, and went to wartime trenches.

The night closed with the Freedom Come all Ye and the Gaelic peace blessing. 

We’re delighted to announce that we raised £355.69 on the night – this will go towards campaigning materials for the upcoming general election. A very warm thank you to everyone who took part and contributed to the fundraiser.

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Burns Night happens to fall within a couple of days of the anniversary of the *Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons coming into force (January 22nd). Why is it important? It’s the only nuclear disarmament treaty that prohibits nation states from manufacturing, testing, using, transferring or stationing nuclear weapons. It received overwhelming support at the United Nations, and currently  93 signatories and 69 states parties. At present no nuclear states have signed the treaty.

But Scotland could set the ball rolling.

In spite of opposition from the Scottish Parliament, Scotland is the only place that the UK can host its nuclear arsenal (geographically and logistically speaking). So, Scotland signing the TPNW could force the UK to disarm. At present, Scotland does not have the power to do so, which is why we need to keep campaigning. 

The general election is a pivotal time to do so. 

*This treaty was created by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, of which Scottish CND is a partner organisation.