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for a Scotland free of nuclear weapons.

Are you a change-the-world-for-the-better kind of person? As a member of Scottish CND, you can use your passion for the greater good.

"Scottish CND assisted me to construct a good argument on why nuclear weapons are a risk not only to Scotland but also to the whole world in a way that was fact-based.... On a personal level, I benefitted because it gave me the chance to meet interesting people who sign-posted me to films and books which challenged and sharpened my world-view."
Scottish CND Member Testimonial

As one of thousands of Scottish CND members, you’re joining a campaign that works hard to pursue nuclear disarmament in Scotland and the rest of the world.


We work on all fronts, from building public awareness of the dangers of nukes to pressing for political action to dismantle nuclear weapons and infrastructure.

Your financial support is invaluable. It ensures that we can employ a small staff team
and continue to run our campaigns.

But most importantly, your active and practical engagement, whether:

  • volunteering at an event or protest
  • writing to your MSP or
  • supporting a street stall with your local group

helps to ensure that the voice of anti-nuclear resistance is heard across Scotland.

I've signed up as a member. What now?

As a member of a longstanding movement working for peace in Scotland, you’ll receive: 

  • A welcome pack
  • Free editions of the Nuclear Free Scotland magazine
  • Regular updates on campaign & volunteering opportunities

You also have the right to participate in our Annual General Meeting to help shape the direction of the campaign.

The standard membership rate is £2 a month (or £24 per year). You can join Scottish CND as a household for just £3 a month (£36 a year). If you wish to make a regular donation to our campaign running costs, you can opt to make an additional contribution using the options below.

Reduced membership rates are available for people on low wages (£16 a year) and people who are unwaged (£10 a year) – we include students, young people and pensioners in this category, as well as people who have no income from work.

We know the rising cost of living has affected many in recent times. If you’re struggling to pay for your membership, or if you would like to kindly offer a Pay-It-Forward membership for someone who can’t afford it, please contact us on

Other Ways to Make a Difference

We welcome your support in whatever way is most meaningful for you. If you would like to make a one-off donation, join us as a volunteer, or sign up to our mailing list, please use the buttons below to do so:

A group of people stand in a room wearing peace t-shirts and holding a blue banner that says "Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament"