Make a Donation
Your one-off and regular donations keep our work going – thank you. We will keep up our campaign until nuclear weapons have been abolished for good. You can make a donation online by completing the form below, or contact us on if you would like to make a donation by cheque or bank transfer.

Leave a legacy
You can make a huge difference to the future of Scottish nuclear disarmament by leaving a gift in your will to Scottish CND. We may not all live to see the day that nuclear weapons are finally banned, but by leaving a legacy to Scottish CND it is possible to help ensure that future generations live in a world free from the nuclear threat.
You don’t need to leave a lot of money to make a difference. Every gift, large or small, helps us to campaign more effectively. We have outlined some key things you need to know about leaving a gift in your will here, but please contact us on if you would like to talk this over.
If you are making a will, or adding a codicil (an extra bit) to an existing will, we encourage you to make an appointment with your solicitor and have them guide you through the process. In most cases, this will be straightforward. It’s important to have an up-to-date will, because this is the only way to ensure your estate is distributed according o your wishes: it guarantees your loved ones will receive what you intended for them, and the causes you believe in are supported.
If you choose to leave a legacy to Scottish CND, there are 3 kinds of bequest you could make:
A residual legacy: This is a percentage or fraction of your estate, so its value is less likely to be eroded by inflation.
A pecuniary legacy: This is a specified amount of money.
A bequest of property: This is a gift of specific possessions, land or property.
Your bequest should be addressed to “Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament” at “PO Box 3620, Glasgow, G73 9QF”. Scottish CND is a non-profit campaigning organisation, rather than a registered charity. This means that your bequest will not be tax exempt.
More information
Please contact us if you have any questions about making a donation or leaving a legacy. Read our Constitution here and our privacy policy here.