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Protestors outside Lakenheath military base, demonstrating against US nuclear weapons.
lakenheath alliance for peace

Lakenheath Alliance for Peace

Scottish CND has joined the newly formed Lakenheath Alliance for Peace (LAP). LAP is a coalition of groups that is dedicated to preventing the return of US Nuclear weapons to USAF Lakenheath. 

Scottish CND’s main focus has to be the nuclear weapons in Scotland but we are a partner of ICAN and strong supporter of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. We, of course, also support the Campaign of Resistance to Nuclear Weapons at Lakenheath and will help resist any use of infrastructure and personnel in the UK to facilitates the possibility of nuclear war fighting.  

LAP is committed to nonviolent direct action for a peaceful and non-threatening world. It demands that military resources are instead directed towards global peace and justice and the prevention of human caused climate change and biodiversity loss. TP members will be supporting the peace camp at Lakenheath in the summer and hope that many TPers will join in. A website is in the process of being built at

The Lakenheath Alliance for Peace will be organizing monthly vigils at RAF Lakenheath. This is a significant effort, and we warmly encourage other groups to join these vigils. Participating groups can use this opportunity to explore the base’s surroundings, familiarize themselves with the layout for future actions, and potentially leaflet the nearby villages and towns.

The vigils will take place at the main gate of RAF Lakenheath from 12 noon to 2 pm on the last Saturday of every month, except December.

Upcoming Dates for Lakenheath Demonstrations

November 30th

January 25th

February 22nd (Scottish CND delegation travelling down – contact to join)

March 29th

Lakenheath National Demonstration

On November 2nd 2024, a national demonstration was held at RAF Lakenheath, to protest American nuclear weapons returning to Britain.

Scottish CND and peace campers held a sister demonstration at Faslane Naval Base, in solidarity with Lakenheath Alliance for Peace (pictured below).